Counter Offers


1) A current employer will never fault you if you left for an opportunity they have not offered themselves, at one point in their career, they made the same choice and left a company for a better opportunity, they get it. If you’re good at what you do, they may even reach back out to you in the future
2) A company making you an offer will never be angry or upset if you choose to go with another company over them, maybe you’re more passionate about another role, maybe the benefits or culture is more appealing. They also get it.
3) Now here’s the secret, a company making you an offer will absolutely remember if you turned them down for a counter offer. At least 85% of the candidates I have worked with over the years who have taken counter offers went into the interviewing process with that purpose. It was the ultimate goal. They wanted a promotion, they wanted a bigger salary, maybe they need more support and the only way to get it from their current employer is to say they’re leaving.
1) The company you turned down will remember it. They will remember that you completely wasted their time. If you met with many members of the team, they will all remember it and not want to pursue you for future opportunities even if they themselves end up at different companies in the future.
2) If the company you stayed with “really” valued you, they would have offered you the promotion, support or salary without you threatening resignation
3) The company you stayed with will also remember that you were looking to leave and will keep it in mind when considering you for future promotions
4) Over 60% of the time, all the promises made in a counter offer will never come to fruition “we need more time” will be heard for at least 3 months if not more
5) And more often than not, you didn’t get the counter offer because they valued you, you got the counter offer because they know it would take forever to find a replacement and it was more convenient to keep you
If you can’t negotiate upfront what you want and/or need from your current company and the only way to get what you want is threatening resignation, you may want to rethink why you’re staying with them and go with a company offering you what they feel you’re worth from the get go. Food for thought. hashtag#career hashtag#interviewing hashtag#opportunities hashtag#future hashtag#counteroffer hashtag#resignations hashtag#jobs hashtag#hiring
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